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Stardew Valley fans Rejoice! Creator Reveals ‘Hats on Cats and Dogs’ Feature for 1.6 Update

Stardew Valley fans Rejoice! Creator Reveals ‘Hats on Cats and Dogs’ Feature for 1.6 Update

Stardew Valley loyalists have ​an opportunity to showcase their cats and puppies wearing adorning cowboy ‌hats thanks to the ‘Hats⁣ on ‍Cats and Dogs’ feature coming to the 1.6 update, as announced by the game’s creator, Eric ​Barone. Fans of the pixelated adventure‌ game have been thrilled since there has been ⁤no definitive time frame‌ for the new version’s release.

The 1.6⁢ update is the latest installment of Stardew Valley since the release of version 1.5 in December 2019. It offers a variety of new additions and updates like a highly-anticipated split-screen⁣ co-op multi-player mode, saving ⁢on all devices after​ starting‍ a game on one, a surprise fruit ​tree bearing random types of ⁢fruit, and the ability to give bachelors and bachelorettes ⁤new ‌haircuts.

The ‘Hats ⁣on Cats and Dogs’ feature arriving with the 1.6 ⁤update has certainly been the most exciting. Although players won’t be able to equip these hats on the farm’s livestock, they will have‌ the ability to place⁣ them ⁤on their‌ various pets already living in ​their cabins. Thankfully for ‌the creative gamers, 1.6 ⁣will offer 24 something hats ​for players to choose ‍from!

Barone ⁣also announced that the 1.6‍ update will be the last to expand Stardew Valley’s content. Other ⁢updates in the future will focus on bug ⁣fixes and other ⁢quality of⁢ life improvements. The release time​ frame for the update was not specified; however,​ the announcement has hype​ levels​ off the chart for the Stardew Valley fan base.


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