The new three-part anime short series has reignited the Overwatch fan base. With the release of the Third Genesis short, fans are now able to enjoy their favorite hero’s origin stories. With the short series, viewers get to appreciate the stylish art styles of modern anime combined with the intense battles of this beloved shooter game.
The Third Genesis, which focuses on the origins of the Overwatch hero team, opened with a battle that pitted Tracer, Reaper, and Hanzo in a heated clash. It is a thrilling action packed piece that’s brought to life with a flourishing animation style. The short’s intense sequences and larger-than-life visuals leave the viewers in awe while providing amazing character development.
The Third Genesis also sheds light on some mysterious plot developments within the Overwatch Universe. Such as the disappearance of the Omnic religious group Shambali and the rise of the Talon organization. These plot points were introduced in the already aired shorts, teasing the upcoming events and story arcs of the Overwatch Universe.
The Third Genesis not only re-opens the door to a new chapter in Overwatch’s history but it also marks a revival of the already beloved franchise. Fans are now more interested than ever in the events surrounding the Overwatch citizens and their roles within the grand scheme of things. It also serves as a resounding reminder of the old days when competitive play and unique hero designs regularly pushed the boundaries of innovation.
From a technical standpoint, this anime-style movie is incredibly well done. From its rich and sublime background style to the amazing action scenes that occur throughout, the Third Genesis successfully brings the power of Overwatch to life.
Overall, theThird Genesis anime short was an incredible journey through the world of Overwatch. While providing much needed closure to Overwatch fans, the third installment of the series also re-energized the playing field with its own unique twist.