The End of an Era: ‘The Crew’ Motors Into Retirement
Good racing games come and go, but few can stand the test of time. The Crew, a critically-acclaimed open-world racing game about a rag-tag group of street racers trying to show their worth by beating the best riders in the…
End of the Line: Hype Surrounding Gaming Acquisitions Fades
It was just a few years ago when gaming’s largest companies were competing for the biggest and most talked-about acquisitions. These landmark deals, including Microsoft’s purchase of Minecraft developer Mojang and Sony’s acquisition of game streaming service Gaikai, generated immense…
7 Must-Play Games To End September With a Bang!
September is coming to an end and it’s time we end this fading month with something big and memorable. A few games can come to our rescue to make the ending of the month fun and exciting. We’ve handpicked 7…
The End of an Era: Polygon’s Most Iconic Sequel Title is No More
Polygon, known to many as a developer which revolutionised the videogames industry with its award winning titles, had its last ‘iconic sequel’ recently come to an end. The final installment of its most beloved series was released only…