Destiny 2, the eagerly awaited sequel of the original Destiny game, is finally here and providing players with new ways of playing. One of the most popular features of Destiny 2 is the Legendary Farming feature, which offers players an alternative to the raid-like grinds of farming for better weapons and armor. In the game, players can use Legendary Farms to gain access to a number of powerful weapons can armor. The advantage of this is that it doesn’t require the player to “raid” with their friends, as it requires skills and strategy in order to win.
Legendary farming is a great way for players to gain access to some of the best gear in the game without having to rely solely on the luck of the loot drops from the raid bosses. Players who specialize in farming can build up a wealth of resources quickly and efficiently, allowing them to upgrade their weapons and armor easily. Furthermore, players who are more successful at farming can use their resources to purchase items from Lexicon, the in-game store that sells items including new class items, emotes, and more.
For those considering taking on farming as a way to earn more rewards in Destiny 2, there are a few important tips they should keep in mind. First, the player should focus on farming missions that are higher in level and difficulty, since they tend to yield more powerful rewards. Secondly, farming is best-suited for players who enjoy taking on a challenge because it requires careful planning and strategizing. Finally, farming requires long hours of grinding in order to maximize rewards, so players should make sure they have the dedication and drive to stay on task and focus.
Overall, Destiny 2’s Legendary Farming is a great way for non-raiders to gain access to better rewards in the game. With some dedication and strategy, players can amass an impressive supply of resources and goodies without having to tackle the more difficult raid bosses. It remains to be seen if more players will take up farming as an alternative way of acquiring great gear, but for now, it is certainly a viable option for those looking for an alternative.