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Xbox Pounds the Pavement to Correct Baldur’s Gate 3’s Unfortunate Console Exclusivity Blunder

Xbox Pounds the Pavement to Correct Baldur’s Gate 3’s Unfortunate Console Exclusivity Blunder

‍Microsoft’s⁢ popular​ game console platform, the Xbox, is ‌making moves​ towards rectifying an unfortunate blunder ‍announced in the latest installment of ​the Baldur’s Gate series. Baldur’s Gate 3, which is set to launch ​in early⁣ 2021, ⁤was originally announced as having a console exclusive for the Xbox platform, leaving ‌many of its fans on other systems ​out in the​ cold.

In‌ response, Microsoft is now offering a “cross-play” or ​“cross-buy” option for those who purchase​ the PC version of the game. Those that opt to take the cross-play ⁢route will receive not only the Xbox⁤ Series X/S version at no extra cost, but also access ⁣to a “Mac and‌ Stadia version in the future.”

The move has ‍been met with cheers from those ⁢who were disappointed by the⁤ console exclusivity announcement. While some ⁤worry that offering this additional content could have a negative impact⁤ on the overall experience of the game, many remain optimistic that Microsoft’s decision to offer a cross-play ⁤option will help level the playing‍ field when ‌it comes to ease of ‌access.

Microsoft’s move also comes⁤ with ⁣a ‌promise to create even more ‍“cross-platform” ​options in the future, something⁢ that ‍could​ entice⁢ fans of‍ the series to stick with ⁢Microsoft for the rest of its gaming releases. With more options available across platforms, gamers will​ have more freedom than ever when it comes to purchasing or playing the​ games ​they want.

Going forward, it’s expected ‌that Microsoft and other developers will be even more mindful for their‌ decisions and the potential ​impact for their gaming community. Despite the unfortunate misstep in Baldur’s ⁢Gate 3’s exclusivity being⁤ pointed out, Microsoft ⁢appears to‍ be dedicated to⁤ making their gaming environment more‌ accessible ⁤and diverse.


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