Microsoft’s popular game console platform, the Xbox, is making moves towards rectifying an unfortunate blunder announced in the latest installment of the Baldur’s Gate series. Baldur’s Gate 3, which is set to launch in early 2021, was originally announced as having a console exclusive for the Xbox platform, leaving many of its fans on other systems out in the cold.
In response, Microsoft is now offering a “cross-play” or “cross-buy” option for those who purchase the PC version of the game. Those that opt to take the cross-play route will receive not only the Xbox Series X/S version at no extra cost, but also access to a “Mac and Stadia version in the future.”
The move has been met with cheers from those who were disappointed by the console exclusivity announcement. While some worry that offering this additional content could have a negative impact on the overall experience of the game, many remain optimistic that Microsoft’s decision to offer a cross-play option will help level the playing field when it comes to ease of access.
Microsoft’s move also comes with a promise to create even more “cross-platform” options in the future, something that could entice fans of the series to stick with Microsoft for the rest of its gaming releases. With more options available across platforms, gamers will have more freedom than ever when it comes to purchasing or playing the games they want.
Going forward, it’s expected that Microsoft and other developers will be even more mindful for their decisions and the potential impact for their gaming community. Despite the unfortunate misstep in Baldur’s Gate 3’s exclusivity being pointed out, Microsoft appears to be dedicated to making their gaming environment more accessible and diverse.