The Spooky Festivities of ‘Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost 2023: Start Date, Eerie Engrams & More
This year, the enigmatic world of ‘Destiny 2’ will be ringing in the spooky festivity of its Festival of the Lost with a bang. Set to take off on October 27, players can look forward to a specially curated scary sojourn within ‘Destiny 2’ for the event. With general events like Bright Dust offerings, Eververse unveilings and the usual host of goodies, this season also has plenty of exclusive rewards on offer.
Start Date & Time
‘Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost for 2020 will start on October 27 at 11AM PDT and will run all the way till 1PM on November 10. The start will also mark the reveal of Eververse’s latest offerings, including a new Fractaline Mk 63 Aspiration Sparrow and a new ship, along with a set of unique kinetic weapons. To unlock these things, you will be needing to buy items from the event’s shop.
Eerie Engrams
For those who are in the look for spooky parts, ‘Destiny 2’ is bringing an array of eerie engrams also filled with new equipment and goodies. Take for example the Imago Loop ornament, an exclusive new explosive shadow version of the all-powerful exotic hand cannon known from the ‘Curse of Osiris’ expansion. Another cool pick is the ‘Force of Remembrance’ bow that serves as a perfect compliment to your other weapons of mass destruction.
Unique Bounties & Quests
The game will be featuring special unique bounties and quests around the theme of the festivity. Talk to Amanda Holliday from the Tower social space for weekly bounties and missions, and acquire rewards such as Bright Dust and Encrypted Engrams. This unique set of missions brings forth the unique possibility of delving deep into the background content of the game via storylines, and the time element of the bounties will further make participants look for creative ways to get the job done.
Players should also look out for other interesting items such as Haunted Forest Advent Calendars, Eris’ Halloween Helmets, and Perfect Paradox quests!
‘Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost promises to be a truly unique experience that will get gamers prepared for the massive upcoming expansions for the game. With the promise of unique rewards, bounties and other amazing content, players are sure to have an unforgettable Halloween night within the ‘Destiny 2’ universe.