Twelve years after the third installment of the Pikmin series, Nintendo has finally brought us the awaited Pikmin 4. The game is an interesting continuation of the tales of our heroic captains Olimar and Louie – this time as they bravely venture into new worlds in order to reclaim Olimar’s home planet and restore its long-lost glory. It is packed with all of the features we have come to expect from a Pikmin game, plus some exciting new surprises. We take a look at what Pikmin 4 has to offer and how it has embraced its darker side.
Exploring Unfamiliar Worlds
In Pikmin 4, the captains travel through a variety of new planets that are packed full of secrets and surprises. As they explore these unknown worlds, it quickly becomes apparent that they have not been uninhabited and untouched; some planets contain dark and powerful enemies that must be confronted and defeated. This is where Pikmin 4’s darker side comes into play. Combat sequences in this game are intense and it puts the player in tough situations where they are forced to think strategically in order to survive and progress.
Introducing New Pikmin Varieties
As with all new Pikmin games, Pikmin 4 also introduces several new Pikmin varieties. These new Pikmin have their own abilities and can be used in conjunction with the old Pikmin types to help the captain defeat enemies. These new Pikmin also come with their own darker elements; they are often the first to fall in battle, and require careful management in order to survive. The Pikmin also help the captain traverse new lands that are filled with traps; being careful and thoughtful when using the Pikmin will be key to success.
Coming to Grips with the Story
The story of Pikmin 4 is a classic hero’s journey, and it has been crafted in a way that keeps the player invested as they move forward. The captains explore the new planets and their respective cultures, while trying to find a way out of their predicament and make their way back home. Along the way, they will face numerous enemies, traps, and puzzles that stand in their way; it is in these situations that the captains must rely on their own courage and clever utilization of their Pikmin allies in order to succeed.
Final Thoughts
Pikmin 4 is a solid and enjoyable return to the Pikmin series. It has embraced its dark origins while still providing a light-hearted and fun experience. With its new features, such as the introduction of new Pikmin varieties, and its varied and exciting environments, this is a game that’s sure to please all fans of the Pikmin series.