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Cities: Skylines 2 Release Marred with Performance Issues, Paradox Warns Players

Cities: Skylines 2 Release Marred with Performance Issues, Paradox Warns Players

Paradox Interactive ⁤just announced the release of ⁤the long-awaited sequel to Cities: Skylines, Cities: Skylines 2. However, the release has been marred with performance issues on‍ PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Playstation 5 platforms, and the game developer has ‌warned players to keep ⁣a close eye on performance while playing.

Cities: Skylines 2 boasts ⁤an all-new UI, Powerless Buildings mode, global and ⁣regional maps, new soundtracks, and expanded city size options. The game has been ​praised by critics ⁢for ⁤its impressive visuals, deep simulation systems, and ease of use. Despite​ these ​great features, ⁢however, the game is currently suffering from several technical issues that can‌ make the experience less enjoyable.

According to Paradox Interactive, the most⁤ common issues that players‍ are reporting are ​frame​ rate ​drops, stutters, and other minor performance issues. In addition, the game is also suffering​ from some⁢ game-breaking bugs that can lead to game crashes, lost⁤ progress,‌ and⁢ similar issues. In ⁣an official statement, Paradox has asked players to be patient and to report‍ any issues they encounter to their⁢ technical support team.

The developer has acknowledged that the current issues are unacceptable and has stated⁣ that they are working hard to resolve them as soon as possible. They‍ have ⁣also noted that they will be able to⁤ provide more details on ⁢patch schedule shortly. For ​now, the developer is‍ advising players​ to keep an eye on the official support forums and check⁢ for updates regularly.

Cities: Skylines 2 is still a‌ great game despite​ its technical issues and we feel confident ⁢that ‍Paradox Interactive will address the problems soon. ⁣In the meantime, players should take extra ​care to keep an eye on performance and‌ report any issues ⁣they come across. We ​look forward ‌to the day when the game is running smoothly and players can fully appreciate its exciting simulation features.


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