The Walking Dead, the well-known zombie post-apocalyptic horror television series based on the comic book series of the same name, is set to return later this year for its 10th season. The story follows Rick Grimes, a sheriff’s deputy who awakens from a coma in the midst of a zombie apocalypse and leads a group of survivors as their group struggles to survive this post-apocalyptic world.
The Walking Dead’s highly successful ten season has featured some pretty intense plotlines, from a zombie virus, to human-on-human drama, and emotion filled storylines. This season looks to be no different, with more twists and turns ahead. The story this season follows Rick, and a new group of survivors, as they grapple with life after an even more devastating apocalypse.
To give fans a glimpse of what they can expect from this season, the trailer for The Walking Dead has just been released. The trailer hints at a range of threats, both undead and alive, that the survivors will have to face, and the emotional turmoil that will be on full display. We also get a glimpse at the new characters that will be joining the group, as well as the bigger plotlines, that promise to make this season as epic as the last.
If you’ve been keeping up with The Walking Dead, you won’t want to miss out on this season. With intense plotlines, chilling twists, and a star-studded cast, this is one show that is sure to keep fans hooked until the very end.