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GTA Dream Fades as Rockstar Closes Real-Life Cluckin’ Bell Restaurant

⁣ Rockstar, the company ⁢best-known for the Grand Theft​ Auto‌ (GTA) series, ‍recently⁤ opened its ⁤own‍ fast⁤ food restaurant in the⁣ United Kingdom -⁣ a⁣ real-life version ​of ‌the in-game fast food ‍chain, Cluckin’ ⁣Bell. Unfortunately for GTA fans, the…

Quantic Dream Form Their Own Indie Publishing Label To Support ‘Detroit: Become Human’ Developer

Quantic Dream, the French developer behind the popular adventure game, ‘Detroit: Become Human’, has announced a new publishing label that will support indie developers. The new label named, ‘3DClouds’, will be run by Quantic Dream and will aim to bring…