Mario + Rabbids is the latest installment of the popular Ubisoft franchise and it looks to be the most promising yet. Following the success of the original game, The Last Spark Hunter is a great continuation that adds more depth and excitement to the franchise. Developed by Ubisoft Paris, this game takes the characters and worlds established in the first game and adds an all-new story arc.
As expected, The Last Spark Hunter puts the player in control of a four-person team of “spark hunters” who are tasked with hunting down a mysterious and powerful force of evil, the “Dark Spark”. Along the way, you’ll battle against a variety of enemies and solve puzzles to progress through the story. The game’s view and character perspectives have also been overhauled to give it a deeper, more immersive feel.
Combat has been perfected with the introduction of “Crossed-Over Actions”. While in battle, you can perform “Crossed-Over Actions” to defend, counterattack and defeat your enemies. These are immensely enjoyable and satisfying, rewarding you with coins and experience after each successful action.
The game also boasts an array of weapons and items to aid you on your journey. From bombs, to guns, to defense tools, you’ll never be short of ways to take down any enemy. These items also provide by far the most strategic element of the game. On top of the single player mode, Mario + Rabbids – The Last Spark Hunter also offers a fun and exciting multiplayer mode for up to four players, allowing co-operative play throughout the game.
Overall, Mario + Rabbids – The Last Spark Hunter is an amazing sequel to an already beloved series. It is sure to provide countless hours of entertainment for those who were fans of the original game as well as those new to the franchise. The addition of the new “Crossed-Over Actions” gives the game a level of strategic depth that will keep players challenged until the very end, while the vibrant and beautiful graphics provide an excellent backdrop to the adventures.