Legendary director Hideki Kamiya, director of the popular 2010 action-adventure Bayonetta, has announced his departure from PlatinumGames with the “all too familiar reason of creative differences”. Kamiya, known for his creative flair in the gaming and entertainment industries, declared that his departure was due to difficulties involved in achieving the project’s goals and his differing views from those of the company.
The director previously worked on numerous acclaimed titles, including the Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Bayonetta franchises. Over his 20-year career, Kamiya has become known for working on projects with his signature style and design choices. As for this latest announcement of his departure from PlatinumGames, Kamiya said that “the main difference between me and the company’s views was related to the project’s route and visions”.
Still, Kamiya leaves behind an impressive legacy of beloved games and projects. He emphasized that the projects he had worked on since then had managed to stay true to his vision and he was very pleased with the outcome. This statement is still as fresh as ever, considering that the most recent Bayonetta game was released in February 2018.
Kamiya remains incredibly popular with the game developer community and fans alike and his departure from PlatinumGames is sure to leave a dent in the industry. Nevertheless, Kamiya hopes to collaborate with the company again in the future and we all can hope that the wheels towards future collaborations come to fruition.