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Why WoW Classic’s 20th Anniversary Servers Should Have Kicked Off with Burning Crusade: A Casual Perspective

Why WoW Classic’s 20th Anniversary Servers Should Have Kicked Off with Burning Crusade: A Casual Perspective

When we ⁤talk about World of Warcraft (WoW), there ‍is no missing ​the sense of nostalgia‌ associated wiht it, notably for those players who started their journey in the Azeroth universe around it’s 2004‍ release. This​ unparalleled sense ​of nostalgia was amplified when Blizzard entertainment released ⁢WoW⁤ Classic back in 2019,allowing ⁤players⁢ to experience the game in its primitive,pre-expansion‌ state. While this⁤ was hugely ⁤popular⁣ for various reasons, it raises the question -‍ should Blizzard ⁢have kicked off WoW Classic’s⁤ 20th anniversary servers with the Burning Crusade expansion?

The Burning Crusade⁤ was the first⁢ major⁣ expansion for WoW, released back in 2007, and brought crucial changes that shaped the game significantly. It introduced two ⁢new ⁤playable races – Draenei for the Alliance​ and Blood Elves for the⁣ Horde. It ⁣also expanded ⁢the universe beyond Azeroth to Outland, a entirely separate broken⁣ world. Plus, players were introduced to the concept of flying mounts, and level cap increased from 60 to ​70.

Starting the‌ anniversary servers with Burning Crusade would make sense, especially from a casual gamer’s⁣ perspective. First of ​all, it introduces variety without overwhelming the player ​with too ‌much content. While WoW in its elemental form is undeniably appealing, eventually, the gameplay could become monotonous without new elements ‌or challenges.​ The Burning ​Crusade⁣ maintained an equilibrium by offering ​fresh ⁤content without making it too complex.

Secondly, The Burning Crusade holds a unique appeal ​for the​ original WoW gamers ⁤who began their adventures ‌in Azeroth prior to 2007. These players can re-experience the⁤ thrill, excitement, and sense of adventure that came with‍ the expansion’s‌ release, without being put ‌off by the more intricate game mechanics of later expansions.

Another reason that points towards The Burning Crusade as a starting point is that it⁤ provided much-needed balance in the then faction-biased gameplay. The introduction of Paladins to the Horde and Shamans ‌to the Alliance rebalanced the gameplay, making it more ‌appealing to both sides of ​the factional divide. This particular change made the game⁢ better for players who‌ didn’t want to⁣ feel arbitrarily penalized​ for choosing Alliance or Horde.

Lastly, The ‍burning Crusade ‌also saw the introduction of a vast‍ array of endgame content, including 16 unique⁣ raid encounters spread across multiple raid ⁤instances. This content ‌was ⁢a perfect mixture of being challenging yet attainable to ⁣the casual player, providing a​ rewarding gameplay experience.

While wow Classic serves as a historical document for one‌ of ⁢the world’s⁣ most popular MMORPGs, starting the 20th-anniversary servers with The‌ Burning Crusade would not only have been a tribute to the game’s evolution but would also mark an excellent progression point. It would cater⁤ to the nostalgic sentiments that veterans hold,while also providing the variety,balanced mechanics,and challenge that casual players prefer‍ in today’s gaming landscape.

Regardless of where WoW Classic begins, one fact remains – World of Warcraft ⁤remains a monumental figure in the gaming world, and⁢ its charm has hardly waned over the past ‍20 years. Whether you’re exploring Azeroth in its ⁣original state​ or adventuring through Outland with the Burning Crusade, the heart of the game endures, offering ⁢fun, excitement, and challenge to all players alike.


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