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Watch Keef Tackle Street Fighter 6 Embarrassment in Hilarious Skit

Watch Keef Tackle Street Fighter 6 Embarrassment in Hilarious Skit

Chicago native Chief Keef just tackled an embarrassing moment he had playing Street Fighter 6 in a hilarious skit. Keef took to Twitter to share the comedic bit with his 4.2 million followers.

In the skit, Keef is depicted playing Street Fighter 6, a popular video game and being completely embarrassed as shots of the other player’s avatar beating his fill the screen. The embarrassment culminates in Keef becoming so flustered that he appears to be on the brink of tears. Of course, what would any Chief Keef skit be without some of his trademark ad libs. It’s at this moment of embarrassment that Keef cuts out various ad libs that provided fans with a few good laughs.

However, the skit didn’t end there. While Keef is still on the brink of tears, the scene transitions and suddenly Keef is playing Street Fighter 6 again, only this time a bit differently. The avatar Keef is using quickly takes command of the game and in a short period of time quickly takes down his opponents. Once again, the Chief provides a few ad libs and the game ends with Keef being the victor.

Keef is no stranger to comedy as he’s previously starred in a variety of skits and funny videos. The skit serves as the latest funny installment to add the collection. Though Keef broke out as a hip hop artist, his work in the comedy realm highlights his versatile skill set.

What do you think of the skit? Let us know in the comments!


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