Sega & Yoko Taro’s ‘Error Game Reset’ has shut down after a short run on mobile platforms. The game, which was released in August 2019, has been shut down by developer Sega and publisher Yoko Taro, the team behind popular titles like NieR Automata, Drakengard and SINE MORA EX.
The game, which was a fast paced action-adventure, had players taking on the role of Reset, a robot sent to investigate a malfunctioning machine world. When Reset uncovers an alarming truth, he must fight its way to the heart of the world and try to repair it in order to restore order. Unfortunately, the game received mixed reviews from critics and players alike, citing its repetitive gameplay and a lack of an engaging story. Despite its shortcomings, the game had a loyal fanbase that enjoyed its simple yet engaging mechanics.
In a farewell message posted on the game’s official Twitter account, Sega and Yoko Taro thanked fans for playing the game and expressed their regret for the short-lived experience. They also urged players to keep playing their other titles, which continue to be supported and updated.
Error Game Reset was an expensive experiment that unfortunately did not succeed, but it is a testament to Sega and Yoko Taro’s dedication to develop games that push the boundaries and awaken new possibilities in gaming. Despite its ultimately unsuccessful nature, the game provided an exciting and unique experience, and we hope the team behind it can persist with their passion for creating new ideas in gaming.