Yesterday, Riot Games addressed the possibility of making their recently released League of Legends Arena mode a permanent feature, due to the success of the game mode. Riot opened up about the reasons why they are considering a permanent change from the temporary game mode, and are actively exploring options in order to make it happen.
Riot COO, Scott Gelb, said that “We launched the League of Legends Arena mode as an experiment back in 2018. We’ve seen the gameplay evolve significantly since its debut, and we knew that it could become something special. We’ve been listening to community feedback and adding features and making improvements. It’s been really successful so far, and we want to make sure it’s here to stay.”
The League of Legends Arena mode allows players to play in a first-person perspective, similar to a shooter, which adds a new layer of tactical approach. Players can use character abilities and summoners spells, making it a unique experience. This competitive game mode has been extremely popular in this last year and is considered one of the most successful esports titles.
The development team behind Riot has already made some changes to the arena environment, such as adding new maps and champions, changing itemization, and improving core abilities. All of these changes have added a layer of depth to the game, making it even more interesting to experienced players.
Riot Games has stated that they will continue to evaluate the Arena mode and are determined to continue to improve the experience. They have also committed to an open dialogue with the community in order to make sure they make the right decisions when it comes to a potential permanent launch of the mode.
For now, the League of Legends Arena mode is still a temporary game mode, and we will have to wait and see if Riot Games makes it permanent. But with their commitment to the community and the success of the game mode, it seems inevitable that we will be able to play it forever.