
Review of ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III’ Beta: Pros, Cons, and What To Expect

Review of ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III’ Beta: Pros, Cons, and What To Expect

One of the most-anticipated first-person shooter video games of the year is “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3”‍ (MW3). With the game’s beta ‌version receiving high rates‌ from gamers, this​ article will review MW3’s key aspects – ​its pros, cons, ⁢and what can you expect.



What to Expect

Players‍ can expect MW3 beta to come with a⁢ few improvements from ⁣the past ⁤game. Gamers can look forward to snazzier graphics, more intense battles, fresh maps, and more‌ weapon upgrades. There are also supposed to be some new features ⁤such as a‌ new zombie mode, squadmates, and an⁣ integrated ranking system⁢ to league play. MW3 ⁤is also said to have better ⁤multiplayer and co-op experiences. Players can expect an improved and well-rounded gaming experience.

In conclusion, Call of ⁤Duty: Modern Warfare 3 beta is a highly anticipated game which comes with many improvements from its predecessors. Its pros include easy-to-use controls, realistic visuals, and fun multiplayer.⁣ Cons include console-compatibility and⁢ price, and lack of features. Players should‍ expect‌ improved graphics, intense battles, fresh maps, and‍ new features. ‌To ​get the full MW3 experience, hold tight until the full version is released.

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